Boîtiers de disques

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499 - €1789
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Articles 1-12 sur 25

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  1. Seagate 2big RAID boîtier de disques 28 To Bureau Noir
    Seagate 2big RAID boîtier de disques 28 To Bureau Noir
    1 133,49 € 936,77 €
  2. LACIE 16TB 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 USB 3.2
    LACIE 16TB 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 USB 3.2
    950,58 € 785,60 €
  3. LACIE 20TB 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 USB 3.2
    LACIE 20TB 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 USB 3.2
    1 078,22 € 891,09 €
  4. LACIE 32TB 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 USB 3.2
    LACIE 32TB 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 USB 3.2
    1 468,88 € 1 213,95 €
  5. LACIE 36TB 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 USB 3.2
    LACIE 36TB 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 USB 3.2
    1 573,18 € 1 300,15 €
  6. LACIE 40TB 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 USB 3.2
    LACIE 40TB 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 USB 3.2
    1 719,42 € 1 421,01 €
  7. Synology 4 Bay 1U Rack NAS Expansion box
    Synology 4 Bay 1U Rack NAS Expansion box
    604,83 € 499,86 €
  8. Synology 12 Bay 2U Rack NAS Expansion BOX sata
    Synology 12 Bay 2U Rack NAS Expansion BOX sata
    2 163,66 € 1 788,15 €
  9. LACIE 28TB 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 USB 3.2
    LACIE 28TB 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 USB 3.2
    1 295,67 € 1 070,80 €
  10. LACIE 2big RAID 40TB USB 3.1 TYPE C
    LACIE 2big RAID 40TB USB 3.1 TYPE C
    1 486,36 € 1 228,40 €
  11. LACIE 48To 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 USB 3.2
    LACIE 48To 2big Dock Thunderbolt 3 USB 3.2
    1 963,39 € 1 622,64 €
  12. LaCie 2big RAID 36Tb USB-C
    LaCie 2big RAID 36Tb USB-C
    1 431,50 € 1 183,06 €
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